4x5inch Benidorm
4x5inch Benidorm
4x5inch Brasilia
5x4inch Sao Paulo
Birdwatching diary during lockdown of Barcelona.
I share with our neighbours a communal roof top which we can excess from time to time.
The roof top had become my favourite spot during lockdown.
We are surrounded by beautiful birds, that we never noticed since the 20 years.
Normally I hear the sound of a busy city which for the time being has been replaced by twittering of birds…
The Colossus of Prora, more commonly referred to simply as “Prora,” is a massive architectural complex located in the municipality of Binz on the island of Rügen, Germany. Constructed by Nazi Germany between 1936 and 1939 as part of the Strength Through Joy (Kraft durch Freude or KdF) initiative, it comprised eight identical buildings stretching 4.5 km parallel to the beach, with surviving structures covering 3.0 km..
Although originally intended as a holiday resort, construction was left incomplete, and the complex was never utilized for its intended purpose. Instead, Prora became a significant tool for Nazi propaganda, with the regime glorifying the immense effort put into its construction as symbolic of their own strength and power.
Following World War II, the complex served various military functions, initially under the Soviet Army, then the East German Volksarmee, and later the German Bundeswehr. Today, it accommodates a sizable youth hostel, a hotel, and holiday apartments.
Designated as a significant heritage site, Prora stands as a stark reminder of Nazi architecture and ideology.
Cave dwellings in the Canary Islands are an important part of the region’s cultural and historical identity. These homes, carved into volcanic rock, have been in use for centuries and still serve various functions today.
Many traditional cave houses have been updated with modern conveniences like electricity and running water.
Thanks to their natural insulation, they maintain a steady temperature year-round, making them an energy-efficient choice.
The dream to create a new capital for Brazil started in 1846, when the country gained independence from Portugal.
In the 1550s and 60s, under president Kubitchek, was built the futuristic capital city of Brasil, in the dry plains of Central Brasil, 600 kilometers away from
the nearest coast.
Brasilia’s creators, Oscar Niemeyer and urban planner Lucio Costa created a vast piece of contemporary art and a utopian model of an egalitarian modern
city. It was built in a very short time with the help of thousands of workers who built the “superquadras” which divided the city into living, working and
entertainment sectors.
Brasilien, Brasilia, Hauptstadt, Architektur, Archtiekt, Oscar Niemeyer, Distrito Federal do Brasil, Stadtplanner, Lúcio Costa, UNESCO Weltkulturerbe.Engl.:Brazil, Brasilia, capital, architecture, archtiect, Oscar Niemeyer, Distrito Federal do Brasil, ci
Brasilien, Brasilia, Hauptstadt, Architektur, Archtiekt, Oscar Niemeyer, Distrito Federal do Brasil, Stadtplanner, Lúcio Costa, UNESCO Weltkulturerbe.Engl.:Brazil, Brasilia, capital, architecture, archtiect, Oscar Niemeyer, Distrito Federal do Brasil, ci
Brasilien, Brasilia, Hauptstadt, Architektur, Archtiekt, Oscar Niemeyer, Distrito Federal do Brasil, Stadtplanner, Lúcio Costa, UNESCO Weltkulturerbe.Engl.:Brazil, Brasilia, capital, architecture, archtiect, Oscar Niemeyer, Distrito Federal do Brasil, ci
Brasilien, Brasilia, Hauptstadt, Architektur, Archtiekt, Oscar Niemeyer, Distrito Federal do Brasil, Stadtplanner, Lúcio Costa, UNESCO Weltkulturerbe.Engl.:Brazil, Brasilia, capital, architecture, archtiect, Oscar Niemeyer, Distrito Federal do Brasil, ci
Barcelonas unexpected Architecture
This photographic project showcases unexpected architecture that I discovered and photographed while walking in Barcelona. These buildings possess their own unique personalities, standing out and surprising viewers, not necessarily conforming to conventional standards of beauty. Some were designed by renowned architects, while others remain completely unknown.
Astana, the young and most peculiar capital in the world
After Kazakhstan gained indepence from the USSR in 1991 the autocratic President Nursultan Nazarbayev, ever since in power, ordered to construct a new capital for the low populated country which is the size of western Europe.
Billions of dollars from oil and gas have been used to create flashy designed buildings. Amongst them, a tower in the shape of a flower vase, a pyramid, emerald colored apartment blocks, the world largest marquee shopping mall, gigantic, ¨Games of Thrones¨ style monuments, a fairy tale presidential palace and many more Lego style arrangements designed by architect’s labels.
The city is still spreading out in the lonely and desolated endless steppe.
Kasachstan, Astana, Hauptstadt, Stadtzentrum, Baiterek tower, Kutsche.Engl.:Kazakhstan, Astana, capital,20 years ago newly built city , The Baiterek Tower in the city centre of Astana. Horse carriage that takes tourists for a ride.
Kasachstan, Astana, Hauptstadt, Khan Shatyr Shopping Centre, Designed by Norman Foster and partner. Eisverkaeufer, Oldtimer.Engl.:Kazakhstan, Astana, capital,20 years ago newly built city , Khan Shatyr shopping centre. Designed by Norman Foster and part
Kasachstan, Astana, Hauptstadt, Oper, Platz.Engl.:Kazakhstan, Astana, capital,20 years ago newly built city , Astana Opera.
Kazakhstan, Astana, capital,20 years ago newly built city , Newly built appartment blocks. Seen form the presidential park.
Kazakhstan, Astana, capital,20 years ago newly built city , Astana Opera. Horse statue next to t
Kasachstan, Astana, Hauptstadt, Hazrat Sultan Mosque Engl.: Kazakhstan, Astana, capital,20 years ago newly built city , Hazrat Sultan Mosque
Kasachstan, Astana, Zentrum, Expo 2017, Weltausstellung, Fussgaengerzone, Popcorn Verkauefer.Engl.:Kazakhstan, Astana, capital,20 years ago newly built city , popcorn seller
Shanty town in Madrid
When I first met the inhabitants of the “Chabolas,” I had to contact the “chief” of the gypsy community.
He advised me to seek permission from each family specifically to take pictures.
I was deeply impressed by how the interiors of the huts were arranged.
It revealed a world of fantasy and creative improvisation to me. There are hardly any standards of the so-called modern world, which generally reflects a high degree of equality dictated by design.
In many huts, Tetra Pak material was used as wallpaper, which sealed the huts against humidity.
Additionally, one of the owners told me that he loves the colorful atmosphere created by the empty juice containers.
Each family has constructed their own hut, with the support of their neighbors.
The population of the “Chabolas” are like little islands surrounded by jammed motorways and new expensive suburban housing. Their strong sense of common life is organised by their own rules and traditions.
The ¨Chabolas¨ I photographed stood out as an anomaly in comparison to the “dire conditions” that these populations typically endure.
I photographed the documentary for Colors Magazine in 2003.